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What to do when people don’t “get it”

If people don’t see, understand and embrace your vision, it is PAINFUL. There’s the frustration of being misunderstood, of people not “getting it.”

If people don’t see, understand and align with your vision, it is has REAL CONSEQUENCES for your business. You won’t attract INVESTORS or CLIENTS or a five-star TEAM.

Having Trouble Raising Capital or Getting Clients? What to do when people don’t “get it”Worse yet, your brilliant business idea — or your new product or service ends up being STILLBORN. There’s the PAIN of not living up to your full potential. Your vision for a meaningful, prosperous, secure future is slipping from your grasp.

Does any of that sound like you? If so, you’re not alone. You’re like many of my clients before they get the benefit of my support.

According to Bloomberg, 80% of new businesses fail within the first 18 months. As a successful serial entrepreneur, that makes me really angry. I hate to see smart entrepreneurs struggle unnecessarily.

The fact that most new businesses fail is the BAD NEWS. The good news is that there is a SOLUTION. Most entrepreneurs are missing a critical skill. But they can learn it.

When entrepreneurs are facing the failure of their business, they are typically CONFRONTED that what worked before, DOESN’T WORK ANY MORE.

There is the AGONY that all the work, time, and capital was NOT ENOUGH. There’s FEAR ABOUT THE FUTURE. What will this mean to your income? Your retirement savings? Your spouse? Your kids? Your stress level? Your health? Will you be able to retire comfortably? Or will you be facing a dire future?

There is the pain of not leaving the LEGACY that you know you could — to contribute to your family — to contribute to the WORLD.

In my experience mentoring my clients, almost every business failure is a communication failure. The entrepreneur has failed to properly present the value and opportunity.

The good news is that learning how to communicate effectively can turn things around quickly. In some cases, my clients have gone from despair to getting millions of dollars in a few months. While that may be extraordinary, we all know that ordinary presentations are DULL AND BORING.

That’s because most people just “wing it”. Even though that makes the difference between a “yes” and a “no.”

In my experience, 95% of the results come from the 5% of the time that entrepreneurs are speaking, pitching or leading. But few people devote the time required to master communication skills. So they pay a steep price tag — they fail. Their businesses fail.

When presentations are:

  • Uncertain
  • Rambling
  • Unclear
  • Ineffective
  • Weak

Things can rapidly go into a downward spiral. Momentum is lost. Clients are lost. Opportunities are lost. The entrepreneur can easily lose confidence.

On the other hand, when you have your own unique MILLION DOLLAR MESSAGE — like Bill Gates “a computer on every desk” or Steve Jobs “a thousand songs in your pocket”, it’s HEAVEN.

When people see, understand and embrace your vision, it creates an upward spiral of success. Things become easier and easier as you gain momentum. You become:

  • Confident
  • Clear
  • Concise
  • Effective
  • Magnetic
  • Powerful

When people see, understand and embrace your vision, it has HUGE BENEFITS.

They are eager to jump on board in meaningful ways, including:

  • Investors
  • New clients
  • Top talent attracted to your team
  • Your new business — or your new product or service is embraced and GAINS CASH & MOMENTUM
  • Value of your company shoots up, increasing your WEALTH and NET WORTH
  • Joy & satisfaction of living up to your potential
  • Making a difference
  • Media coverage on TV, radio & more
  • Other opportunities fall in your lap

Instead of being anxious about the future, you are enthusiastic and CONFIDENT. You can take care of your family, your retirement, your kids’ or grandkids college education. As stress evaporates, your health and vitality naturally improve. You have a bounce in your step, a twinkle in your eye, and a confidence that attracts others.

You are secure knowing that you are creating a LEGACY to contribute to your family and the world. Life is sweet. Perhaps sweeter than it has ever been!

Studies show that the right words can result in 27X income. I now devote my life to helping smart, ambitious entrepreneurs live up to their full potential by training them how to communicate powerfully and effectively. The results have been extraordinary, with clients raising millions of dollars, launching startups, and succeeding beyond their wildest dreams. Take a look at what my clients have achieved with the right mentoring and training.

Celebrating Our Clients’ Successes

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If you’re ready to take your business to the next level schedule your business breakthrough session here (business owners only).

Devoted to your success!

Aurora Winter, MBA, TV producer, author, trainer