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Leaders Are Learners – Back to School TimeHalf of what is known today was not known 10 years ago. The amount of knowledge in the world has doubled in the last 10 years, and is doubling every 18 months. Knowledge is growing exponentially.

In the 1980s, knowledge wasn’t like milk that spoils rapidly. It was more like a brick — solid and useful for decades. People could graduate from university with a degree and start a career that could last a lifetime.

Those days are gone, my friend. In many fields, the lifetime value of knowledge is not a few decades. It’s a few years, or sometimes a few months. 

It’s even worse if you are an entrepreneur, as the window of opportunity for exploiting a new idea closes rapidly as other smart, innovative entrepreneurs can jump on your idea and beat you to market.

The pace of change is increasing. Technology is improving exponentially. Soon, most jobs will be redundant and people will be replaced by AI [artificial intelligence] and robotics.

Who will thrive? 

Visionary leaders will thrive — but only if they’re life-long learners. Creativity, innovation, communication — these are the skills that will continue to be prized. 

Leadership, creativity, innovation, and communication — these are the skills to develop.

Today, most entrepreneurs will launch multiple businesses over their lifetime. Most people will have a variety of roles and careers.

Today, more than ever before, it is essential to be able to communicate powerfully and effectively. It means the difference between getting funding for your new business — and thriving because you beat your less-articulate competition to market.

Communicating persuasively means the difference between enrolling new clients with ease — or struggling as your prospects don’t fully appreciate the value you provide.

Speaking confidently and concisely means the difference between invited to speak on TV or on TEDx — or being passed over.

Perception is reality, my friend. The winner is not necessarily the best, smartest, or most valuable. The winner is the one that is UNDERSTOOD to be the best, smartest, or most valuable.

If you’re ready to learn how to communicate powerfully and effectively so that you can lead your business to success, now is the time to go learn. Find out more about how we can help you here.

Entrepreneurs can schedule a business breakthrough session here. 

Appreciating and acknowledging the work of George Siemens, whose research was the basis for the some of the facts presented here. To learn more about the science of learning, read “Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age” by George Siemens:

If you are one of the few committed to being extraordinary, then now is time for “back to school” for leaders.

Schedule your business breakthrough session here.

-Aurora Winter, MBA