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Your Massively Transformative Purpose (MTP) is your North Star, your fuel, your magnet. It will make you unstoppable. It will make you compelling. It will draw support to you from unexpected quarters. Your clear intention is the firm foundation upon which everything else is built.

Your MTP answers this question:

If the success or failure of our planet and all life upon it depended upon your actions, what would you do?

Your MTP springs forth from the depth of your soul and is fed by your unique life experiences. It is not like the decal of water lily, lacking depth and glued on top of your life.  It like a real water lily, rooted in the mud of your life experiences, and blooming beautifully as it floats upon the gently undulating lake of your consciousness, offering its sweet scent and captivating beauty generously to all.

You are unique and your MTP is unique. You are the only person alive on planet Earth who can fulfill your MTP exactly as you will. Therefore, it is both your joy and your responsibility.

To help you connect with the whispers in your soul, write down a list of:

  • 24 things that you are curious about
  • 12 massive problems you would like to solve

Nodes of curiosity and surprising intersections provide clues to your unique MTP. Focusing on what you are curious about will increase flow. Flow makes work feel joyful and effortless—while it can also increase your creativity and productivity by as much as 500%.  (For recommended reading about flow, see links below.)

Steven Kotler, author of “The Habit of Ferocity” and the cofounder of the Flow Genome Project, inspired me to create a bigger, bolder vision for my future, and my intention is to inspire you to do the same.

After you have a list of things you’re curious about and problems you’d like to solve, define your Massively Transformative Purpose (MTP). It is fed by your own unique life experiences, so it can evolve as you do. But right now, I invite you to define it as clearly and sharply as you can.

A powerful MTP has a strong polarity. It is a magnet. It will repel and attract. Your tribe will say, “YES! I agree! How can I help?”

The rest of the world may think you are crazy, delusional, or an ego-maniac. Expect your perfectly-selected MTP to be challenged, scorned, or doubted by others. That is a sign you are on the right track. The words you choose to capture your intention are your shield and your sword. They create a boundary and demarcation of the area you have chosen to protect, to heal, to champion.

Your MTP will help you weather life’s inevitable storms.

A perfect storm devastated Buckminster Fuller—he was expelled from Harvard, his business failed, he lost all his money, and he lost the confidence of his friends and family who had believed in him and invested in his business. As if all of that was not bad enough, his baby daughter died. Things looked hopeless. He had no money, no degree, no reputation, and no prospects.

Buckminster Fuller despaired and seriously considered drowning himself. But then he had a mystical experience that changed the trajectory of his life. He heard a voice that told him he did not have the right to end his life, as his life did not belong to him. He had an epiphany and understood that he (and every other human being) belonged to the Universe. Then he made this vow:

“So I vowed to keep myself alive, but only if I would never use me again just for me—each one of us is born of two, and we really belong to each other. I vowed to do my own thinking instead of trying to accommodate everyone else’s opinions, credos, and theories. I vowed to apply my own inventory of experiences to the solving of problems that affect everyone on planet Earth.[i] Buckminster Fuller

How does that strike you?

Here’s my reaction to his vow:

“This moved me to tears. No one is coming to save us. No one is coming to save Mother Earth. It is up to us. We are all connected in the web of life. Each person can see and take action to solve the problem that is right in front of them, in their own area of enthusiasm and expertise, in their own family, neighborhood, or business. We have the world wide web of information. What if we had a world wide web of compassionate, caring, proactive leadership? A grass-roots movement independent of government or large, lumbering, self-serving corporations? We would be unstoppable!”

Buckminster Fuller remained true to his MTP for the rest of his life. He demonstrated the enormous impact that one man without a degree or money can create. Devoted to creating “more with less” he invented the geodesic dome, which made low-cost housing a reality. Bucky inspired and influenced many people with his books and more than one hundred speaking engagements each year. His last speaking engagement was to a sold-out crowd in Huntington Beach, California, just a week before his death at the age of 88. His final talk focused on the importance of integrity.

An engineer by training, Fuller stated that the most important thing is integrity, by which he meant to hold one’s shape. A bridge that has integrity does not collapse in the wind. Your MTP will help you hold your shape and not be swayed by the opinions of others.

As you create your MTP, here are some more thoughts from Fuller to “prime the pump” so to speak. I recommend you write down your reactions, then mediate for a few minutes, and then write down your own MTP.

“The most special thing about me is that I am an average man. I say that as a challenge to any limitation you may have accepted in your life.” – Buckminster Fuller

Robert White, author “Living an Extraordinary Life”, shared this reaction:

“I was shocked…. My business success and lots of therapy had not been adequate to erase a history of feeling “less than.” I felt I needed to stretch in order to get up to average and here was one of my heroes saying firmly and sincerely that he was just that: average. … Something shifted within me and it has made all the difference in my life. Bucky stole my best excuse for being and doing less than my potential.”

Have you been using a sense of not being “good enough” to avoid living up to your full potential?

“We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims. The challenge is to make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time, with spontaneous cooperation, and without ecological damage or disadvantage to anyone.” – Buckminster Fuller

What kind of future would you design?

“I live on Earth at present, and I don’t know what I am. I know I am not a category. I am not a thing—a noun. I seem to be a verb, an evolutionary process—an integral function of Universe.” – Buckminster Fuller

How can you take right action?

“You have to decide whether you want to make money or make sense as the two are mutually exclusive.” – Buckminster Fuller

Here, Fuller is talking about an error of thinking—chasing the SYMBOL of value—rather than VALUE itself. If you create value, the natural byproduct is wealth (unless you have a kink in your “receiving” hose). Giving and receiving occur simultaneously and define each other. If you idolize the symbol of wealth, your thinking is inaccurate. You may do things that don’t make sense. You can’t eat dollar bills. But producing true wealth makes sense.

Fuller was emphasizing the importance of intention. If your intention is to make money and hoard it, your plans will not be supported by others (or by the principles of Nature), and you are likely to fail. On the other hand, if your intention is to create value and contribute to others, that makes sense. Your plans will be supported and you are likely to succeed. By putting his focus on projects that made sense, Fuller generated an annual income of over one million dollars in the 1950s. Understanding that Nature never hoards, he reinvested his income in other worthwhile projects that would help humanity thrive.

How can you create true value?

“On the edge of a large ship’s rudder is a miniature rudder called a trimtab. Moving that trimtab builds a low pressure which turns the rudder that steers the giant ship with almost no effort. In society, one individual can be a trimtab, making a major difference and changing the course of the gigantic ship of state. So I said, ‘Call me Trimtab.’” – Buckminster Fuller

Fuller was a Trimtab. You can be one, too.

Now you are likely in a good frame of mind to create your own Massively Transformative Purpose (MTP). I recommend you take a few calming meditative breaths, then create your own MTP. Share who or what you have decided to serve, to champion, to build. Write down how this will make the world (or your corner of it) a better place. Declare who you have decided to be in a series of “I am” statements.

As an example, here is what I declared:


To launch thought leaders who serve as independent Trimtabs in their own field of expertise and enthusiasm, with the overall result that we collectively raise the consciousness, playfulness, and prosperity of every life we touch, blessing humanity and Mother Earth. I am an alchemist who helps the architects of a better future transmute the heavy lead of setbacks, trauma, and grief into the gold of wisdom, compassion, and enlightenment.

I AM …

  • I am creating
  • I am trusting
  • I am flowing
  • I am downloading valuable ideas
  • I am broadcasting ideas that benefit humanity
  • I am changing the field of what’s possible
  • I am a catalyst for miracles
  • I am thriving in every way
  • I am connecting with creative, innovative, caring people
  • I am receiving Divine guidance and support
  • I am seeing a bigger, bolder future
  • I am willing to serve humanity in the biggest way possible
  • I am launching thought leaders

Now it’s your turn. I’d love to read your MTP and your “I am” declarations!

Aurora Winter, MBA, author, trainer


Recommended reading:

“Thought Leader Launch; 7 Ways to Make 7 Figures with Your Million-Dollar Message” by Aurora Winter. Available here (free for a limited time):

“The Habit of Ferocity: Peak Performance Primer” by Steven Kotler, available here (free for a limited time):

“A Fuller View: Buckminster Fuller’s Vision of Hope and Abundance for All” edited by L. Steven Sieden (source of above quotations from Buckminster Fuller and Robert White).

“Steven Kotler: The Science of Maximizing Human Potential” – Talks at Google. Watch here:

“The Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance” by Steven Kotler

“Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think” by Steven Kotler and Peter H. Diamandis

“Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience” by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

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